"Several new experiments find that antioxidant supplements may actually reduce the benefits of training." Click for full detail: Why Vitamins May Be Bad For Your Workout
This is an interesting piece about the relationship between the body and the mind. "There's growing evidence that gut bacteria really might influence our minds."
It is essential to practice the ultimate "emotional first aid" and "emotional hygeine" by being at neutrality to break free from the reality created by our own mind and return to our original non-discriminating consciousness.--ZenMoon
Biochemist turned Buddhist monk Matthieu Ricard proposes that using meditation as a mind exercise can train the mind in habits of well-being, to generate a true sense of serenity and fulfillment.
Each lifetime is a straight path from birth to death, with aging and decline as the scenery along the way. The Teaching is the ultimate road map to navigate us out from the duality of the "happiness" and the "sorrows" of Karmic existence.--ZenMoon
We all have the choice to face our life circumstance as either a facilitator or as a hindrance along our life path. We are self-empowered to transform both the positives and the negatives into opportunities. They shall become hands-on practice to apply the Teaching, so that we each may obtain our own Nirvana.--ZenMoon
"Some ambulance workers in Monrovia have been infected with Ebola, while others have been attacked for not getting to patients in time. A week on the road as Liberia’s capital dips deeper into crisis." I truly admire the compassion and courage of the healthcare workers in the Ebola front line.
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