Life's "Que Sera, Sera...What will be, will be."--Diana Zen

Sunday, February 4, 201812:01 AM(View: 10715)
Life's "Que Sera, Sera...What will be, will be."--Diana Zen

Life's “Que Sera, Sera...What will be, will be.”

Today I came across a video of Doris Day singing the “Que Sera, Sera....What will be, will be.” It reminds me that everything comes and go on its own and because its own reason. Life is too precious to live with clinginess and obsession over things that are beyond our control. Life is too short to live with regrets and what-ifs. It is unrealistic expect life to manifest into our wishes and/or for life to unchangingly remain at our ideal.

"With each effort to shape the world into our own ideal, 
our mind becomes progressively more preoccupied and obstructed causing us to lose our inner peace"

I am very conscious about gift of life each day. Having a carefree state of mind truly helps me to fully experience life each moment to moment. Because of Karma, both the good and the bad times are never truly everlasting. Yet, it is easy to forget that nothing is forever. We like to impose our own will into life and force things to manifest in our desired direction. With each effort to shape the world into our own ideal, our mind becomes progressively more preoccupied and obstructed causing us to lose our inner peace. It is easy to forget that “Que sera, sera...What will be, will be.” Life is simply best lived with an open compassionate heart and an unburdened attitude. Being at inner peace, no matter the fluctuations in life, is the ultimate freedom.

"If something is not meant to manifest,
after I wholeheartedly did all that is possible to bring it into fruition, 
I freely let it go."

I am a planner by nature. Throughout my life I have been able to achieve my objectives on scheduled and as planned through my hard work and efforts. I have always believed that through perseverance and effort, I shall be able to conquer all adversities. Some of the time, my achievements were effortlessly easy and even unexpected. At other times, no matter how much time and efforts I devoted to achieving a goal, it just disintegrates, no matter what I do to or how hard I try make it become a reality.

 "It would be foolish to not live each moment to its fullest by existing at an inner peace."

There is no sense crying over spilled milk. I have learned to not cling to ideals that are past their freshness. If something is not meant to manifest, after I wholeheartedly did all that is possible to bring it into fruition, I freely let it go. A lifetime is too finite to waste precious time not fully appreciating what is presently in my possession. It would be foolish to not live each moment to its fullest by existing at an inner peace. I now live each moment free from my own self imposed burdens, regrets, and disappointments. I now see that it is infinitely easier to just go with the flow of life. I now live my life as it comes instead of obsessively pre-planning.

"I now to deal with life as it comes, with my usual determination and resolve, 
then I let efforts manifests as willed by Karmic fate."

Fate shall bring me what I deserve. The obsession with perfectionism and enduringness is not realistic in the imperfect Karmic world. I now to deal with life as it comes, with my usual determination and resolve, then I let my efforts manifest as willed by Karmic fate. After all, life with all its “Que sera, sera.” is only temporary and fleeting. “What will be, will be.” There is always a choice, when life does happen. For me, I have chosen to face all the ”What will be, will be.” with clarity and let all pass through benevolently and peacefully. Experiencing freedom from Karma by being at an inner peace is something that no external source can ever take from me.

Zen Moon. Copyright and Trademark Diana Zen
 Zen Moon
 May 12, 2014

Published on ZenMoon and ZenEnergy with Permission from Diana Zen

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