"Pro-social spending can benefit you, your work, and (of course) other people." Think more about spending on others than on yourself. Nothing is ever lost in life.
This is such a great concept and a very inspirational talk. "Beremedy is an organization that uses social media to connect those in need with those that can help."
Making better the lives of others is both worthwhile and rewarding. "Diagnosed with terminal colon cancer in 2012, Simpsons co-creator Sam Simon is giving away his huge Hollywood fortune to animals and those in need."
This California dairy program is beneficial since it gives the inmates a sense of pride and direction. The training program gives them an opportunity for a new future in society.
Splash.org is a great charity organization. Their goal is to achieve long term success and thus "killing their organization" in every country they work in. "Eric Stowe is the Founder and Director of Splash (www.splash.org), an international nonprofit dedicated to clean water for kids living in urban poverty."
Typography has always interested me and this is a great video about an eco-friendly font: Ryman Eco. "Monotype's Dan Rhatigan discusses Ryman Eco, the world's most beautiful sustainable font."
This is a short interview with Rob Mather, the founder of Against Malaria Foundation, by CBS News. This charity gives 100% of its donation to buy nets to fight malaria. Please donate via the link in my "Charity and Causes" weblinks section.
A very sincere and hopeful talk on ultilizing non-violence as the tool for peace. "In this wise and soulful talk, peace activist Scilla Elworthy maps out the skills we need -- as nations and individuals -- to fight extreme force without using force in return."
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