Gershwin's "Summertime" played with an unique Vietnamese aesthetic by Vân-Ánh Vanessa Võ and pianist Frank Martin. Vân-Ánh Vanessa Võ performs the piece using a đàn bâù, the Vietnamese traditional one-string instrument
This is one amazing musical performance. Subway musicians unite for a live experiment and a performance "Signal Strength," an original piece written just for them.
"The blind man found as much enjoyment out of the tactile elements of the work as any sighted person ever has by just looking at them." We perceive the outer world based on the construction of inside our mind. With each sensory input, memories are evoked to colour the present.--ZenMoon
This is rather unsual light sensory experience. Japanese Buddhist priest Gyōsen Asakura uses his DJ background to present his vision of the Pure Land "world of light."
Art is a form of communication and pastel is one of my favorite art medium. Ms. Forman uses her artwork to voice her concerns on environmental changes. "
We each possess the potential to transcend boundaries and limitations. The human condition is universally the same for everyone. There is but one path toward true Freedom.
Van Gogh's inner turmoil is expressed in the turbulence depicted in "Starry Night." This interesting video talk about how Van Gogh captured the mystery of movement, fluid and light in his work.
This is a very unusual artistic written for the listening sleeping mind. This short film gives "An insight into classical composer Max Richter’s “Sleep,” an epic eight-hour lullaby designed to ease the audience into unconsciousness. "
The viola organista was an unique musical instrument invented by Leonardo da Vinci, yet it was never built during his lifetime. This is its first ever time being heard in concert.
"A celebration of color in our everyday lives." Colors and their inherent associations are based on our experience and observation with the outer world.
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