The Restless Mind--Diana Zen

Saturday, April 14, 201812:34 AM(View: 10324)
The Restless Mind--Diana Zen
The Restless Mind

“All things are preceded in the mind, led by the mind, created by the mind.”- Dhamamapada

The egocentric Dualistic Mind is restless and erratic. Moment to moment, the mind’s jumping thoughts disorient and envelop one in a blizzard of thoughts. Thoughts continuously abide and the Dualistic Mind consciousness, manas, is engaged. Each arising thought deviates from the previous one, then cascades into a myriad of divergent thoughts. The instant that the mind grasps, deciphers, and reacts to outer events, thought jumbles, deviates and side-tracks from the original arising thought.

"Moment to moment, the mind’s jumping thoughts disorient and envelop one in a blizzard of thoughts."

As thought rests on the objective outer environment, false views and outburst of emotions manifest. One becomes trapped on a rollercoaster ride of emotions, delusions and ignorance. In the now, the manas forms either a positive or negative response to the world, then creates an egocentric illusory view of the objective world to which gets one bound by action.

"The life perspective becomes altered and muddled by the mind’s dualistic narrative and subtitle."

With each abiding thought, one is lead progressively astray from clarity and detachment from bias. The life perspective becomes altered and muddled by the mind’s dualistic narrative and subtitle. The tainted mind makes it impossible for one to experience the present with freedom from inner polarity. Inner Peace is lost in tumultuousness of passions and the mind-storm of discriminating thoughts.

"The interpretation of the now is made based on relation to individualised past experiences
gathered in the collective memory consciousness storehouse."

One exists in the mind-universe moulded from infinite past experiences. Life is beheld and contemplated through the mind’s egocentric discriminating filter. As thoughts ricochet and the past sporadically interject and merge into the present, reality is neither recognised nor experienced without ambiguity. The interpretation of the now is made based on relation to individualised past experiences gathered in the collective memory consciousness storehouse. Instant to instant, each interaction with the outer world is based on the active and reactive function of the manas, the egocentric Dualistic Mind consciousness.

"There is a disconnect to the outer world
as life circumstances is interpreted
based on each individual’s mind viewpoint."


The Inner Light is darkened and enveloped by the bias and egocentric knowledge drawn from one’s alaya-vijnana, the collective storehouse consciousness. One experiences limitations in awareness and assessment of the objective world by the so-called life smarts and empirical consciousness. There is a disconnect to the outer world as life circumstances are interpreted based on each individual’s mind viewpoint. Each individualised-subjective reaction to the objective outer world is rooted in the egocentric interpretation of experiences the collective store-consciousness, alaya-vijnana. The egocentric Dualistic Mind creates then traps one in the illusory reality of one’s own creation.

"Transcending dualism is the only way to experience the present moment-to-moment as it truly is."

One must rise-above the fettering, tethering, and bias-mind consciousness to exist at the Timeless Inner Peace. Transcending dualism is the only way to experience the present moment-to-moment as it truly is: the objective actuality untainted by the egocentric Dualistic Mind. The Inner Light must be utilised to recognise the dualism brought about by egohood and the egocentric mind’s tendency to grasp and abide. As the cascading thought whirlwind ceases, the mind-illusory narrative and its associated passion breaks on its own and one exists at the Timeless Inner Peace.

"To transcend duality, one must recognise the egohood
and transform the manas from egocentric 
into the all-embracing universality of the mind consciousness."

Liberation and the enlightenment is the recognition of the collective consciousness limitations and the transcendence of dualism of the egocentric conscious experience. Recognising the habitual tendency to form a discriminating view of the objective world is a vital step. Transcending dualism is not a matter of negation of awareness nor the annihilation of the senses. Living within a self-imposed stillness is itself a polarity to restlessness. One would still be bound to a dualistic existence. To transcend duality, one must recognise the egohood and transform the manas from egocentric into the all-embracing universality of the mind consciousness.


Zen Moon. Copyright and Trademark Diana Zen
 Zen Moon
 October 1, 2016

This is a relevant short film about "A man with a typewriter-head trying to rid out his out-of-control thoughts."

TYPEWRITERHEAD from Eric Giessmann on Vimeo.

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Sunday, December 1, 2024(View: 11641)
As manas metamorphose from the self-limiting ego-mind consciousness to the original universal limitless No-Mind consciousness, one is liberated by accurate insight.
Friday, April 15, 2022(View: 11805)
Living in Zen is living with the objective clarity of the Original No-Mind. We live with the Inner Light, at full illumination, and harmoniously respond to the outer circumstances with an all embracing universal altruism.
Tuesday, October 19, 2021(View: 8305)
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Thursday, March 18, 2021(View: 10316)
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Monday, January 18, 2021(View: 10996)
Living with the Original No-Mind, our thought flow seamlessly without blockage and interruption. Within the thought flow, the mind does not become emotionally affixed to any one arising thought to hinder the objectivity of awareness. We exist at the enduring Zen state of meditation…the state of Timeless Inner Peace.
Friday, November 27, 2020(View: 13699)
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Monday, September 28, 2020(View: 9337)
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Monday, May 4, 2020(View: 15070)
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Sunday, August 18, 2019(View: 13690)
"Enlightenment is a absolute and unchanging state of being and awareness. One is either Enlightened or one is not Enlightened. There is nothing in gray confusions."