The Three Instrumental Virtues: Bi, Trí, Dzũng
There are myriad of distractions, diversions, and obstacles along the life path that can alter the course and hinder the spiritual life journey. The spiritual compass must be utilize to navigate one along the life path leading toward the ultimate spiritual destination: Nirvana. The spiritual compass is made up of the Three Instrumental Virtues:
-Bi: the Compassion, Empathy and Kindness to Others
-Trí: Wisdom to Illuminate, Decipher, and Discern
-Dzũng: the Willful Determination and Fearlessness to Continuously Advance Onward and Forward
I have personally overcome many of life's barriers and obstacles by applying the Three Instrumental Virtues along my life path. The Three Instrumental Virtues are truly essential tools and weapons, so that I can steadily remain on path under all life circumstances. Utilizing these tools have been indispensable to me. They have made it possible for me to continually forge onward and forward along my life path to reach my personal Nirvana. I shall illuminate on each of the Three Instrumental Virtues under separate entries.