The Auspicious Conditions For An Opportune Life Journey To Nirvana--ZenMoon

Friday, November 27, 202012:01 AM(View: 11255)
The Auspicious Conditions For An Opportune Life Journey To Nirvana--ZenMoon

The Auspicious Conditions For An Opportune Life Journey To Nirvana

Birthdays have always been happy occasions in my life. There would always be a grand celebration with one or more birthday cake and champagne to cheer in new beginnings. I am often reminded of that I am so fortunate to have such favourable conditions to make progress toward existing in Nirvana in the here and now.

The Auspicious Conditions for An Opportune Life Journey To Nirvana-ZenMoon
"Each birthday is a new beginning with a wish to achieve the Timeless Inner Peace."

Instead of celebrating the day as a mundane annual event, I view my birthday as a celebration for the opportune gift of human life, so that the cycle of perpetual life and death may be transcended. Each birthday is a new beginning with a wish to achieve the Timeless Inner Peace. Having the human form is the initial step for the successful learning and practice of The Teaching. For me, each birthday is a reminder to live each moment meaningfully, so that it shall further my journey toward Nirvana. A great Zen Master once said “Birth and Death are great matters.” Ageing is inevitable and taking full advantage of each present moment to live in The Teaching would make life both enriching and worthwhile.

The Auspicious Conditions for An Opportune Life Journey To Nirvana-ZenMoon
"Ageing is inevitable and taking full advantage of each present moment
to live in The Teaching would make life
both enriching and worthwhile."

During my birthday each year, I contemplate and reflect on my life journey. I feel very lucky to have all the essentials needed for my life quest toward my ultimate spiritual destination: Nirvana. I am fortunate enough to be in good health so that I may actively remain on my life path. I have been raised in a family that re-introduced me to my life path and provided me with an environment that is nurturing for my Inner Light. It would be foolish for me to waste a lifetime that is so conductive to my spiritual quest. I am often reminded of the sagely Teaching about the Auspicious Conditions For An Opportune Life Journey To Nirvana:

1. “Human form is hard to attain.”
2. “It is fortunate to have a human body without challenges and defi

3. “Encountering The Teaching is dependent on opportune circumstances and the right timing so that an inner spark can be ignited and a life purpose to be self-recognized.”

4. “Embrace the brilliance of the Inner Light to illuminate The Path.”
5. “The ideal environment for learning The Teaching is rare and invaluable to facilitate the learning”

6. “A suitable faculty and aptitude are needed to comprehend The Teaching.”

7. “A Pure Mind with sincerity and a Willful Determination are essential fundamentals so that one can journey along The Path.”


The Auspicious Conditions for An Opportune Life Journey To Nirvana-ZenMoon
"Time is never in our favour.
How much of a lifetime was actually spent
on living life meaningfully and judiciously unwastefulness?"

It is too easy to let time carelessly slip past, while living out the drudgery of daily life. It is easy to be compliant and not exercise one’s determination to turn each humdrum moment into an opportunity to apply The Teaching, rather than being helplessly dragged by life into its tumultuous current. Time is never in our favour. In a blink of the eyes, years passes by seamlessly. How much of a lifetime was actually spent on living life meaningfully and with judiciously unwastefulness?

The Auspicious Conditions for An Opportune Life Journey To Nirvana-ZenMoon
"The human creature is the most physically highly evolved
and is the only creature with the bountiful ability
for spiritual transcendence."

I feel quite fortunate to have the human form thanks to my positive Karma. The human form is an essential tool and means for existence within the Karmic world. Having the favourable condition of existing as a human is an essential first step to learning and practicing The Teaching. Living life in the human form is crucial to fully experience the physical world and be an active participant in the Karmic world. Existing as a human is fundamental, since it allows us to put The Teaching into practical application first hand and be at Nirvana in the present. All life forms have the desire to live and thrive. However, the human creature is the physically most evolved and is the only creature with the bountiful ability for spiritual transcendence. Human beings may take part in life to learn, practice, and make progress toward transcendence of the Karmic cycle. The Teaching cannot be solely theoretical and must be witnessed, experienced, and tested in actual laboratory of daily life.

The Auspicious Conditions for An Opportune Life Journey To Nirvana-ZenMoon
"We need integrate into the life flow and face life’s challenges and opportunities,
so that we can see life as it is:
an impermanence existence resulting from Karmic creation."

We need to integrate into the life flow and face life’s challenges and opportunities, so that we can see life as it truly is: an impermanent existence resulting from Karmic creation. We human possess the ability to express ourselves through our interactions with the outer world. Our integration into the worldly life is essential, so that we can comprehend and experience the impermanence of life. Human uniquely possesses the capability to comprehend the life experience and the adequate faculty to intelligently process information, so that the spiritually evolution into transcendence may be attained.

The Auspicious Conditions for An Opportune Life Journey To Nirvana-ZenMoon
"It would be foolish to waste physical health and mental acuity
we presently possess on trivial and impermanent gains."

We should never take for granted the timespan during which we have the adequate health and mental faculty to embark and continue along the life path toward the Timeless Inner Peace. Living a clean and pure lifestyle facilitates the learning process since our body becomes a more-trouble-free machine at our disposal,  along our life journey. Ideally, living life with minimal physical limitations and challenges facilitates our life journey toward Nirvana. It is best to keep at optimal physical health to minimise both the intellectual limitations and the physical challenges to learning and integrating The Teaching into daily life. It would be foolish to waste physical health and mental acuity we presently possess on trivial and impermanent gains.

The Auspicious Conditions for An Opportune Life Journey To Nirvana-ZenMoon
"Given the favourable Karmic circumstances and the right environment
the planted seed of The Teaching may be nurtured
into germination and ultimately thrive."

Given the favourable Karmic circumstances and the right environment the planted seed of The Teaching may be nurtured into germination and ultimately thrive. We must recognize The Way and the banality of the Karmic existence in order to make a personal choice to embark on the spiritual journey back to the extraordinary Origin. We must have Dzung, the Willful Determination, to fortify the momentum of the ignited inner spark, so that it shall reach its full brilliant luminosity. It is only with a Pure Mind and the sincerity for transformation can the spiritual evolution progress from the ignorance to the Enlightenment. The Inner Light may then be nurtured back from dim darkness to its full illumination, as we reach our ultimate spiritual destination.

Coming across The Teaching and feeling the inner spark to begin the journey toward Nirvana is a fortunate Karmic fruit. Life is full of distractions. It is too easy to be pulled into the daily grind to obtain then maintain the materialist gains and haves, that we often bypass and silent our spiritual needs. We need favourable conditions to encounter The Teaching, so that our Inner Light may be ignited and we can set forth on the path leading to Nirvana.

The Auspicious Conditions for An Opportune Life Journey To Nirvana-ZenMoon
"The Teaching can only show us The Way,
we ourselves are empowered
to reach our own Nirvana."

Having encountered The Way, we then can embark on the journey to understand then live with The Teaching in our daily life. It takes an inner will to learn and decipher The Teaching. It would be fortunate when we encounter a favourable interactive environment,with other like-minded individuals, that is conductive to further our understanding of The Teaching. Having fellow like-minded individual, who are on the same life journey, is a contributing component and an aid to help us stay on track, by dispelling wrong concepts and reinforcing the study to help to ensure we stay on the right track. However, it is crucial to remember that we ourselves are ultimately responsible to self-illuminate our own life path toward a Timeless Inner Peace. We must constantly use the Inner Light to discern, decipher, and filter the information from the outer world, so that we are not led astray from The Way. The Buddha Nature is within each one of us and we must have faith in our own selves that we may return to our True Essence. I continually aspire for my Inner Light to grow brighter, so that I can self-illuminate my own life path. The Teaching can only show us The Way, we ourselves are empowered to reach our own Nirvana.

The Auspicious Conditions for An Opportune Life Journey To Nirvana-ZenMoon
"I intend to make the most of my sweet Karmic fruits
by seizing each moment as opportunity to live within The Teaching."

I believe we are immensely fortunate to have the human form so that we may have the opportunity to embark on and progress along our spiritual path. A lifetime is too short and precious to waste our Karmic reward of the human form on fleeting and trivial matters and the superficial and impermanent gains and haves. I am indeed very lucky to have all the Auspicious Conditions for my life journey. I intend to make the most of my sweet Karmic fruits by seizing each moment as opportunity to live within The Teaching. Each birthday shall reinforce my aspiration to attain a Timeless Inner Peace. The Way shall lead me to my ultimate spiritual destination: Nirvana.

Zen Moon.  Copyright and Trademark Moon.  Copyright and TrademarkDiana Zen
October 2014


A Favourable Karmic Opportunity - Created with Haiku Deck, presentation software that inspires
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